Li, S., Liu, K., Zhang, S., Wang, X., Rogers, K., Ren, G., Zhang, C., and Yu, B. 2017. STV1, a ribosomal protein, binds primary microRNA transcripts to promote their interaction with the processing complex in Arabidopsis. PNAS114: 1424-1429
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1613069114
Associated Aims: Aim 3

Liang Z, Pandey P, Stoerger V, Xu Y, Qiu Y, Ge Y, Schnable JC. 2017. Conventional and hyperspectral time-series imaging of maize lines widely used in field trials. GigaScience
Associated Aims: Aim 1, Aim 3, Aim 4

Liang Z., Schnable J.C. 2018. Functional Divergence between Subgenomes and Gene Pairs after Whole Genome Duplications. Molecular Plant, Volume 11, Issue 3, 5 March 2018, Pages 388-397
Associated Aims: Aim 1, Aim 3, Aim 4

Liu K, Du Q, Ren G, Yu B and Zhang C. 2017. Identification of Differential Alternative Splicing Events with an Adjusted Beta-Distribution Model.. IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT)
Associated Aims: Aim 1, Aim 3

Malachy T Campbell, Harkamal Walia, Gota Morota 2018. Utilizing random regression models for genomic prediction of a longitudinal trait derived from high-throughput phenotyping. bioRxiv
Associated Aims: Aim 1, Aim 3, Aim 4

Palmer, N.A., A.J. Saathoff, E.D. Scully, C.M. Tobias, P. Twigg, S. Madhavan, M. Schmer, R. Cahoon, S.E. Sattler, S.J. Edme, R.B. Mitchell, & G. Sarath. 2017. Seasonal below-ground metabolism in switchgrass. The Plant J. 92: 1059-1075.
Associated Aims: Aim 3

Park, H., S. Weier, F. Razvi, P.A. Pena, N.A. Sims, J. Lowell, C. Hungate, K. Kissinger, G. Key, P. Fraser, J.A. Napier, E.B. Cahoon, and T.E. Clemente. 2017. Towards the development of a sustainable soya bean-based feedstock for aquaculture. Plant Biotechnol. J. 15: 227-236
DOI: 10.1111/pbi.12608
Associated Aims: Aim 3

Ren G, Wang X, Yu B. 2017. Analysis of the Uridylation of Both ARGONAUTE-Bound MiRNAs and 5' Cleavage Products of Their Target RNAs in Plants. Methods Mol Biol. 1640:23-37
Associated Aims: Aim 3

Scully, E., T. Donze-Reiner, H. Wang, T. Eickhoff, F. Baxendale, P. Twigg, F. Kovacs, T. Heng-Moss, S. Sattler, and G. Sarath. 2016. Identification of an orthologous clade of peroxidases that respond to feeding by greenbugs (Schizaphis graminum) in C4 grasses. Functional Plant Bio. 43: 1134-1148
DOI: 10.1071/FP16104
Associated Aims: Aim 1

Scully, E.D., T. Gries, N.A. Palmer, G. Sarath, D.L. Funnell-Harris, L. Baird, P. Twigg, J. Seravelli, T.E. Clemente, & S. Sattler. 2018. Overexpression of SbMyb60 in Sorghum bicolor impacts both primary and secondary metabolism. New Phytol. 217: 82-104.
Associated Aims: Aim 3, Aim 4